Shark Fishing Charters

a picture of Shark Fishing Charters with Carolina Guide Service

Shark Fishing

Average Size: 80-100 pounds

South Carolina State Record: 154 pounds
10ounces (1987)
Season: May-Oct (best Aug, Sept, Oct)
a picture of Shark Fishing Charters with Carolina Guide Service
Our shark fishing charters are very popular for the kids and family trips and we are fortunate to have a very healthy fishery for sharks. The size of our sharks average 15-25 lbs but we also target some of the larger species that exceed 200 lbs.

When is the best time of year for shark fishing?
Sharks begin showing up in the coastal waters of South Carolina starting in May and we continue catching sharks until the water begins to cool off in late October. The Summer months are perhaps the best time of year for shark charters.

What type of sharks can I expect to catch?
During the peak of the Summer, we are primarily catching black tip sharks and sandbar sharks that average 30-40lbs. Smaller species of sharks like Bonnetheads(15lbs) are also plentiful that time of year and they are a lot of fun on light tackle. Larger species like spinner sharks, lemon sharks, and bull sharks are also available to catch during the Summer.

Where do you shark fish?
We always prefer to stay in the calmer waters inside the jetties and inlets however if conditions allow, we will venture out in the ocean to locate shark feeding frenzies that occur in and around the big school of menhaden(baitfish) that migrate along the South Carolina coast.

How long are the shark trips and how much to they cost?
The recommended time for shark fishing is 5hours and the cost is $600 for three anglers($50 for each additional angler). We also will run a 4hr afternoon shark fishing trip for $500.